Valu Wines and Liquors is located at 508 Murphy Rd., in Stafford, TX. For over twenty years Valu liquor and wine has served the Houston area with an outstanding selection of wines and spirits at even more outstanding prices.
The success of Valu Liquor is not only due to the location and advertising, but mainly the dedication and hard work of the wonderful staff that has developed over the years. Our customers enjoy a wide range of products at competitive prices. Our Wine Specialists and Customer Service Team are very knowledgeable about the wines and spirits we sell. We are constantly seeking new products, and are consistently filling special orders. Valu Liquor is a family-run business and it is my intention to continue our successful approach, concept, and strategy in the future.
Home of Ultimate Drinking Experience!
Valu Liquors is devoted to helping our community of customers discover the world of fine wines, craft beers and specialty spirits. We are committed to hand-selecting great values and best the world has to offer. Whether you’re shopping for a high end scotch as a gift for your boss or a bottle of wine to pair with dinner, Valu Liquor’s knowledgable staff will help you make the right choice.